
The student performance level is determined by a variety of assessment data for each object that is addressed that grading period.

Level 4 - Extends targeted grade level standards: represents the student exceeding grade level expectations set by the state and that a student will be successful in the next grade or quarter and whose curriculum may be enriched.

Level 3 - Demonstrates proficiency of targeted grade level standard: represents the student meeting the grade level expectations set by the state and indicates that a student has the necessary skills and concepts to be successful in the next grade or quarter.

Level 2 - Inconsistent and needs support to meet targeted grade level standards: indicates that the student has not yet met grade level expectations set by the state and that a student does not have the necessary skills and concepts to be successful in the next grade or quarter. The student still needs teacher support to be successful with the concept or skill; the student is not yet independent. This should alert parents that close communication is needed for further student support. 

Level 1 - Insufficient performance of targeted grade level standards with support: indicates that the student has not yet met grade level expectations set by the state and that a student does not have the necessary skills and concepts to be successful in the next grade or quarter. This should alert parents that close communication is needed for further student support.


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